Policy Agenda

2024 Legislative Priorities

Invest in Our Values

A simple black-line illustration of a house with a pointed roof. The house is yellow. In the foreground, and slightly overlapping the house, is a blue circle with a dollar sign in the center. The colors are out of register (go outside the lines). The concept is rental subsidy.

AB 1657 (Wicks) Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2024: Places a $10 billion dollar bond on the November 2024 ballot to fund affordable housing development.

AB 3160 (Gabriel) The Enhanced State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Increases affordable housing production by making permanent the enhanced state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.

SB 1187 (McGuire) Tribal Housing Reconstitution and Resiliency Act: Enacts the Tribal Housing Reconstitution and Resiliency Act and creates the Tribal Housing Grant Program Trust Fund.

SB 225 (Caballero) Community Anti-Displacement and Preservation Program: Provides state funding and technical assistance to support the acquisition and preservation of unsubsidized affordable housing and its stewardship as permanently affordable (will be funded through the Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2024, AB 1657, Wicks).

Protect People

A simple black-line illustration of three people shapes (heads and shoulders) beneath an umbrella. The people are different shades of blue. The umbrella has a red panel in the center with a yellow panel each side. The colors are out of register (go outside the lines). The concept is to protect people.

AB 653 (Reyes) Housing Voucher Utilization Program: Creates resources and accountability mechanisms for public housing authorities to adopt best practices that make it easier for households to use their vouchers.

AB 2926 (Kalra) Notice of Expiration of Affordability Restrictions: In the one-year period before an owner of affordable housing proposes to convert to market-rate, this bill would require an owner who receives a purchase offer from an affordable housing developer for full market value to either accept the offer or re-restrict the property.

AB 2347 (Kalra) Due Process for Tenants Facing Eviction: Makes the following changes to protect the due process rights of tenants in eviction cases: 1) extends the timeline for a tenant to file an answer to the eviction, extending it from 5 days to 10 days; and 2) reduces uncertainty for tenants by requiring that the landlord file the proof of service of the summons and complaint with the court in a timely fashion, which will ensure tenants can properly respond to the case.

Create Efficiency and Accountability

A simple black-line illustration of two cogs. The larger cog is yellow and it sits behind and slightly higher than a smaller red cog. The colors are out of register (go outside the lines). The concept is creating efficiency.

AB 1053 (Gabriel) Affordable Housing Construction Loans: Requires the California Department of Housing and Community Development to offer its loan funds during the construction period to save $1 million per project in interest expense.

AB 799 (Rivas) Unified Funding Application: Converted to a 2-year bill to explore a unified funding application for local governments and community-based organizations to apply for state homelessness resources programs.

AB 2023 (Quirk-Silva) Housing Element Rebuttable Presumptions: Creates a rebuttable presumption of invalidity for housing elements deemed non compliant by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), raising the standard for jurisdictions to dispute or dismiss HCD’s determination of noncompliance.

Promote Fairness

A simple black-line illustration of a set of weighing scales. The bowls are yellow, and the fulcrum is a blue circle. The colors are out of register (go outside the lines). The concept is promoting fairness.

AB 1932 (Ward) Second Home Mortgage Interest Deduction: Provides an ongoing, dedicated state funding source for housing and homelessness prevention programs by eliminating the state mortgage interest deduction on vacation or second homes.

November 2024 Ballot Initiative – Lower voter threshold on housing bonds: Lowers the necessary voter threshold from a two-thirds supermajority to 55 percent to approve local general obligation bonds for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects.

Close Racial Equity Gaps

AB 1840 (Arambula) California Dream for All Program eligibility: Clarifies access to the Dream for All Program for undocumented persons. The Dream for All Program is a down payment assistance program for first-time home buyers.

SB 1007 (Bradford) Homeowners Assistance for Descendants of Enslaved Persons Program: Establishes the Homeowner’s Assistance for Descendants of Enslaved Persons Program which, upon appropriation by the legislature, would provide financial aid and assistance for the purpose of purchasing, owning, or maintaining a home.

ACR – 135 (Weber) Human rights violations and crimes against humanity on African slaves and their descendants: Formally recognizes and accepts responsibility for all of the harms and atrocities committed by representatives of the state who promoted, facilitated, enforced and permitted the institution of chattel slavery.

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