2023 Year In Review

Launched in 2021, Roadmap Home 2030 was created to ensure all Californians have access to affordable and healthy homes in resilient communities. Stable housing makes opportunity and wellbeing possible and we all benefit when our families, friends, and neighbors, in urban, suburban, rural, and tribal California, have a home they can afford.

A diverse network of affordable housing developers, housing and homelessness service providers, advocates, and residents directly impacted by California’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis are working to 1) grow and preserve the supply of affordable housing, 2) protect low-income residents to stay in their homes, 3) solve homelessness, and 4) advance racial justice and economic opportunity.

In 2023, Roadmap partners achieved important policy wins that facilitate development of affordable housing, expand tenant rights, and advance structural reforms to our tax and finance system.

In the face of a significant state budget deficit, advocates and state policymakers worked together to prevent budget cuts to critical state housing programs and retained level funding for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. These are important accomplishments that should be celebrated! However, state leaders also missed other important opportunities to address our housing crisis and achieve a racially just and economically inclusive California.

The Road Ahead

In the year ahead, California must do more to help renters stay in their homes, especially now that COVID-19 pandemic-related financial assistance has ended. We also call on our leaders to take greater action to address racially discriminatory policies and practices that preclude affordable housing in opportunity-rich areas and that deny housing access to low-income people and people of color. We look forward to continuing to partner with the legislature and Governor to support state policy and budget priorities that fulfill the Roadmap’s vision of an equitable and thriving California for all.

Visit the RoadmapHome2030.org to learn more about our equity-centered policy framework.